Ask for their blessings so that your home will remain safe and happy, or if you do not follow a particular deity, you can alternately ask the . Clean the egg shells with some soap, let them dry and crush them with your mortar and pestle. . Also a nice addition if you plan to use your salts for home protection or to bless the perimeter of your sacred space. The earliest known text of a blessing of water comes from Serapion of Thimus (died 362) near . Basic Ritual: In a glass jar or bowl, mix 1/2 cup salt with desired herbs. Add a little cayenne for black salts intended to dispel anger or toxic relationships. Take the salt mixture and add it to your jar. Asperging. Take a bowl and add water to it. Here's an ancient prayer to bless salt, according to MacNutt: God's creature, salt, I cast out the demon from you by the living God, by the true God, by the holy God, by God who ordered you to be thrown into the water-springs by Eliseus to heal it of its barrenness. Wiccan Gods and Goddesses for House Cleansing Ritual . For protection, a modest amount of salt is sprinkled in one's bedroom or room where the activity is taking place. Hold the salt in your power hand and say: I bless this salt so that it is pure and clean. Place it under the full moon's light. Use fresh, clean water and if you can, use bath salts or herbs designated for your particular ritual's outcome. Salt - Kosher salt is recommended as it has been blessed. Caress it lovingly and say: I am yours and you are mine henceforth until the end of time. The Witches Black Salt. Consecrate the water according to the guidelines of your tradition, or pass it over the four elements on your altar to bless it with the powers of earth, air, fire, and pure water. . May your essence bless us and bring your passion to our circle, so mote it be. Step 1: Cleanse Your Wiccan Jewelry. Put the bowl of salt back. Use your judgment. Hold it like this for a minute or so. Both Jews and pagans made ritual use of water. The ritual says: "3. Salt represents earth, so placing salt on your altar brings the element of earth to your magickal workings. It's pretty much the same as the iconic . By mixing salt and water, you can consecrate your ritual and sacred space before magickal workings. Hold the jar in your hands, and focus on pouring love and light into the salt mixture. Altar & Ritual Magick. These deities are known as the Triple Goddess and the Horned God—or you might also hear them referred to as the Lord and Lady of Wicca. Chant the prayer as you visualize the blessings coming in through the door and offering protection to your home: Let the incense burn all the way. 1. If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now. Take a bowl of salt. Mix the salt and water with your index finger and say: I bless this holy water so that it is able to cleanse all that it touches. Asperging means using liquid, or the power of water, to purify the area. consecration or sealing): Put your oil or holy water into a small bowl or container of your choice. But most importantly, while doing any of these or you own techniques, remember to: a) State your intent. Blessed salt is used in many ways some as described above. Directly following the cleansing ritual, get a clean rag and your oil. Take your water and pour it into the bowl, hold your hands over the water and say, "I exorcise thee, oh creature of water, of all negativity both seen and unseen, and bless thee in the name of the divine goddess." Learn about Pagan holidays, the Goddess and God, moon phases, animal guides, candle magic, herbalism, Earth magic and more. Add a little cayenne for black salts intended to dispel anger or toxic relationships. This water can be used to heal and bless people and objects. Then reflect your plans for it. The first step is to put your new necklace or amulet under running water (or you could use a bowl of water if you prefer). Use a kitchen strainer to filter out the big pieces. Witches Brew. Create a petition and place petition in jar. Use in divination and lunar rituals. Crush the scrapings in a mortar and pestle then add plain white salt or natural sea salt. Sleepy Time Potion. Invocation of Raziel. If you need to leave the room, blow out the candle. Work it until you have a very fine powder. While submerged in water, say a cleansing prayer or simply close your eyes and ask your gods to purify, cleanse and bless your new necklace. Soak the object in saltwater (or sprinkle/spray it). With salt's extreme ability to draw away remnants of psychic energy, including "ghost manifestations" of many different kinds, salt has always been used for psychic clearing and for purification. Be blessed by this message, "The Spirit of Revival" by Jeremy Groves, leader of "Salt and Light Apostolic Ministries".He and his team blessed us with a night. Instead of toweling off, allow your body to air dry. Pagan Beliefs. make it sacred or holy) first. Break off a piece of the bread and slather it with the cinnamon, butter and honey mixture. You can symbolically sweep out the room, first, using your Broom if you have one. Welcome to one of the oldest and largest Wicca, Witchcraft, and Pagan sites on the Internet! They are the archetypal (classic or traditional) representations of divine feminine and masculine energy. Crush the charcoal and mix it with the egg shell powder. "I invite the spirit of the salt to work with me to protect my home (or . The Black Hat Society . There is an infinity of blessing spells out there. Sprinkling salt water or water with essence of rose are both excellent alternatives to smudging. 6. Grind them down until they are relatively small. Where the circumstances of the place or the custom of the people suggest that the mixing of salt be preserved in the blessing of water, the Priest may bless salt, saying: "We humbly . Leave it out all night, covering it with a cloth before the sun rises. Keep a little bit of salt to throw over your left shoulder. Add one teaspoon of salt to sixteen ounces of water and mix thoroughly—if you're using a bottle, you can just shake it up. Scrape the inside of your cauldron with a sharp spoon or knife. Make a grid of crystals around the object and the the crystals bless it. The adding of salt is not obligatory, however, and is left to local custom. For each cup of salt you use, add 1 tsp of each ingredient. This is not for everyone, and Holy water can be made in many different ways. Bless it. Research the type of crystal and see if it's ok to get it wet. State your intentions out loud. Breathe into and the cap and seal the jar. Here you can explore links to several hundred pages of information about the Witch, Wiccan and Pagan lifestyles. Pass it over the salt and say: Sprinkle the wand with a little salt and say: Salt of earth I give to thee, roots in magick. As a Catholic sacramental, salt blessed by the liturgical prayer of a priest may be used by itself, unmixed, as in exorcisms, and [formerly in the exorcistic prayer at baptism]**, or it may be mixed with water to make holy water, as the Ritual prescribes (reminiscent of Elisha's miracle). Crush and mix the salt and scrapings together while concentrating on banishing energies. In this context, they are asking for their intentions to be blessed by the Gods. Walk clockwise around your sacred space to begin the ritual or magickal working and sprinkle the water with your . Perfect for dealing with difficult roommates or hard-to-handle relatives. Also a nice addition if you plan to use your salts for home protection or to bless the perimeter of your sacred space. Water will help the negative emotions "flow" out of the pendant. While mixing, focus your mind on your intentions (i.e. Wiccans use blessed be as a way to reinforce and enhance their intentions when casting spells. Add your salts. Black Salt Recipe, The Magick Kitchen - Salt Magick. Bake a fresh loaf of bread. 1. Bless it in whatever way you want. To finish, put blessed flowers or sage or cedar branches around the room, to help maintain a good energy . Finding a Lost Object. If it feels like it needs a very deep cleansing, you can leave it in the salt water for a period of time - even in the Moonlight, for a double whammy. To finish, put blessed flowers or sage or cedar branches around the room, to help maintain a good energy . Crush the charcoal and mix it with the egg shell powder. Once your breathing is calm, rhythmic and steady, begin to imagine a green light of energy flowing from your body with each exhalation. 3. Allow the crystal to soak in the water to wash off dust, dirt, or any other physical remains that may have been transported from the crystal's origin to your practice. 2. Caress it lovingly and say: I am yours and you are mine henceforth until the end of time. Cayenne Powder. 4. If you feel that there is a lot of negative energy stored in the item, hold for a little longer. 1. Clearly label the purpose of the oil on the vial. You must now feed hunks of bread to your partner, and he must do the same with you. Blessed be. 5. Light the candle and the incense. Included in this list of 18 Spiritual Spells. Washing it in the Ocean, or even running wild water like a river, is even better. In whichever form, it is intended to be an instrument . Common Cleansing Methods. Use about 8 drops for every 5 ounces of black salt. Sprinkle the wand with a little salt and say: Salt of earth I give to thee, roots in magick. 3. You can use blank address labels like those found in sheets for computers. Magicians and priests routinely prepare for ceremonies by taking a bath which contains salt as one of the main ingredients; Crystal Cleansing & Blessing Ritual. Focus your mind and intention. So mote it be! Although this is typically done by sprinkling consecrated water around the perimeter of the space, you can also asperge with milk, wine, or either of these blended with honey . Use about twice the amount of salt as scrapings. Draw a protective symbol on the door-frame (i.e. Rainwater, Spring water, or purified water is preferred. It is found toward the end of the missal as the second appendix. You can symbolically sweep out the room, first, using your Broom if you have one. 1. Burn a cleansing incense like sage and run the object through its smoke. Hold it up to the moon and ask the lady to bless the bread as well as the relationship. If so, make a bowl of salt water. Most commonly used would be crystal quartz. Bury the object in the earth for a while (or in a bowl of salt/dirt/cornmeal). Then reflect your plans for it. How to Make Wiccan Blessed Water. Place a container of water—with an item made of silver (spoon, coin) in it—outside on the night of a full moon. When you're ready, release the water and allow it to flow down the drain. Charge the salt. 2. Cup it in both your hands while holding it under water. The first step is to put your new necklace or amulet under running water (or you could use a bowl of water if you prefer). The black salt is an ancient recipe of simple preparation that can eliminate the negative energy in your home, business, keep unwanted guests away from returning, protect you or your home from the influence of third parties such as family members or unwanted neighbors, or you can use it to ward off rivals, unbearable co . Perhaps for this reason Christians made little use of blessed water during the first centuries. A few grains in drinking water or used in cooking or as a food seasoning is said to bring astonishing spiritual and physical benefits. Life I give you willingly as I will so mote it be. Picture your intentions manifesting. You might have a need to stop your enviers from their mischievous acts. Hold your crystal over the candle and say: "Energy of Fire, purify and cleanse this crystal of all negativity. Washing it in the Ocean, or even running wild water like a river, is even better. North/ Earth: salt. Fill jar with salt, giving the jar a little space at the top. First, give your crystal a small bath. About For Bless Protection Salt To How Wicca . Work it until you have a very fine powder. Light the incense and the white candle on the altar. Magical Enchantment of Items. How to make black salt. Cup it in both your hands while holding it under water. How to make black salt. Many pagans believe that adding silver metal (such as a ring or a coin) into the water and leaving it out in the moonlight can make the holy water more spiritual and blessed. 3)Placing an iron rod ona grave will prevent a ghost from rising out of the ground. Hold it your hands. Find the one that suits you best. Spell for protection against headless powers. Clean the egg shells with some soap, let them dry and crush them with your mortar and pestle. For herb baths, gather a small bunch of the herb (s), tie them in a little muslin and put it into the tub itself. Put the newly created black salt into a little jar and . Before the ceremony, as a part of your ritual, take a bath with added salts, oils, or herbs to reach a level of harmony. Hold the wand close to you. Posted @r_way24 ⁡⁡Instagram.⁡⁡私を癒す極上バスタイム海の恵みで自宅が贅沢な高級スパに。⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡ ⁡硫酸 . Such water was made holy by immerging burning carbon from the altar of sacrifice or mixing in ashes and salt. The Triple . Step 2: Bless. The Magick Kitchen. When finished, pat it dry with a paper towel or . Blessed be. In some cases, you may wish to use asperging as a method of cleaning a space. Prepare an altar near the main entrance to the house. For example, "bless this altar in the name of the Goddess. Wiccan Gods and Goddesses for House Cleansing Ritual . Salt For Purification. If the curse is particularly strong, repeat the water purification bath 3 days in a row. Blessing salt is an easy and inexpensive way to honor the esbat as well as create something you can use throughout the year! Ask the deities of your pantheon to watch over the residents of your home. Put the salt you want to use on a table, bookshelf, windowsill, or, if you have one, altar. Put the salt you want to use on a table, bookshelf, windowsill, or, if you have one, altar. If it feels like it needs a very deep cleansing, you can leave it in the salt water for a period of time - even in the Moonlight, for a double whammy. Drop or dip your rag into the oil of your choice. We are a group of wicca believers/enthusiasts, spreading the word with real facts about our beloved . Sprinkling salt water or water with essence of rose are both excellent alternatives to smudging. Ground and center yourself by taking long deep breaths, allowing stressful or icky energies to fall to the floor, and then bring your awareness to the center of your body. Sweep away negativity with a besom (blessed broom) Be practical about it— you don't want to soak metal in salt water overnight or you'll rust it; you don't want to put a fabric pouch of herbs anywhere near fire. Here's an ancient prayer to bless salt, according to MacNutt: God's creature, salt, I cast out the demon from you by the living God, by the true God, by the holy God, by God who ordered you to be thrown into the water-springs by Eliseus to heal it of its barrenness. Blessed be. Take three pinches of salt and sprinkle this amount in the spring water. Start in the front of your house and dip your pointer finger into the oil or water. 2. To protect yourself from witches, wear a blue bead. The black salt is an ancient recipe of simple preparation that can eliminate the negative energy in your home, business, keep unwanted guests away from returning, protect you or your home from the influence of third parties such as family members or unwanted neighbors, or you can use it to ward off rivals, unbearable co . Bless this water (put bowl down, and now use the water for power, purification and healing) With the water you so blessed, May this harm none, The spell is done, So mote it be and blessed be ." HOME BLESSING Bread is offered to the household guardians as a libation, and the salt is kept in the heart of the home to ground any evil that might enter. Mix everything thoroughly. a cross, rune, Star of David, etc.) Add all of your dried herbs to the mortar and pestle. Spirit Dance Ritual. Take three pinches of salt and sprinkle this amount in the spring water. The oil is used as a blessing substance. Cayenne Powder. East/Air: incense. Add ashes from incense or burned herbs (optional). You can then fill the vial with some of the oil. Wipe your altar down in a clockwise fashion with the oil. Use a knife, horseshoe, or other piece of iron. Here's how to perform a house blessing (a.k.a. South/ Fire: candle. Writing the Petition Salt may be added to drinking water . Use a kitchen strainer to filter out the big pieces. Hold the salt in your power hand and say: I bless this salt so that it is pure and clean. Bless it. The Witches Black Salt. You can bury your Wiccan tools in dry sea salt, or a salt-water bath. Bottle and place in a cupboard away from the sun. Sea Salt A faster method is a sea salt bath. Hold your hands over the bowl of salt and focus on your breathing. Before sunrise, bring in the container, remove the silver piece, then store the water in a sealed bottle. So mote it be! Leave it out overnight for the moonlight to bless it. Prayer to Archangel Raphael (For protection during travel) Sariel's Invocations. Asatru. Bury all the remains in your property or . Method 1Method 1 of 3:Basic Blessed Water. #8: A Spell. protection, health, self-love). So mote it be! When chanting prayers, Wiccans say blessed be to let their words resonate out into the universe so their prayer will be heard. Life I give you willingly as I will so mote it be. So mote it be! Take the tool or item you wish to consecrate in your hands, and face north. You can bury your Wiccan tools in dry sea salt, or a salt-water bath. Bury it beneath your front step or porch during a full moon. Gather and consecrate your salt.You will need to create holy salt before you can create holy water, so consecrate the salt (i.e. When you are ready: Light the candle and incense. Wicca has two primary deities of its own that hold a special position within witchcraft. "I invite the spirit of the salt to work with me to protect my home (or . Step 1: Cleanse Your Wiccan Jewelry. Draw the pentagram over it and say: I cleanse and consecrate thee, candle flame, as a Representative of the Element of Fire. Add Silver to the Water for More Lunar Blessings. Use Earthy metals to bless water. Place the crystal from your steeped oil in first. 2. It is believed that sunlight blessing is associated with healing and positive energy. Take some pure salt (e.g., Kosher salt or natural rock salt with no added ingredients) and add it to a container, such as a small bowl or jar. Perfect for dealing with difficult roommates or hard-to-handle relatives. West/ Water: water. Blessed be. Then take a few of the leaves and such from your oil and place them into the vial. Hold the object under running water for a while. Sea Salt A faster method is a sea salt bath. Way Of Life. Water will help the negative emotions "flow" out of the pendant. Blessing By Iron. Purify, Protect, and Bless: How (and why) to make a Salt Jar Making the Jar " Sprinkle the salt over the broom and say: "I call on the power of Earth to bless this broom BOOK OF SHADOWS BLESSING Preparation: At the time of the Full Moon, take your Book of Shadows (one that hasn't been written in yet) and some incense (pennyroyal, anise or . Feel the salt pile begin to "charge" and saturate with power. Take the fire candle and place it in the center of the altar or on the pentacle. Mix the salt and water with your index finger and say: I bless this holy water so that it is able to cleanse all that it touches. Add ashes from incense or burned herbs (optional). The Magick Kitchen. . . Use about 8 drops for every 5 ounces of black salt. Take a bowl of salt. . Hold the wand close to you. (See below for instructions) 4.