disposable containers. Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. Insecticide ORTHENE® PCO Pellets with acephate effectively control cockroaches, ants, crickets, firebrats, wasps, earwigs, pillbugs and sowbugs. KILLS IN MINUTES: This treatment takes only minutes to apply, and begins killing in just 60 minutes, so you can get back to enjoying your yard fast. Thereafter, rinse the container three times with a volume of water equal to a minimum of a third of that of the container. DISPOSAL 1. maintain or repair and no chemical mixing or clean-up. Orthene Turf, Tree & Ornamental WSP is an insecticide for control of pests on selected agricultural crops and in certain non-crop areas. Be sure to spray all plant surfaces, particularly the undersides of leaves and leaf axils. Make the empty container unsuitable for further use. ORTHENE contains acephate, a proven active ingredient. Our Audio Mixing online training courses from LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com) provide you with the skills you need, from the fundamentals to advanced tips. Organic and synthetic gardening products including weed, insect, disease and animal controls in a variety of formulations and applications to meet any gardener's needs. The dial on top of the Dial 'N Spray has numbers in ounces, teaspoons and tablespoons. Shovel material into disposable container. Then add other tank mix partners or foliar feed additives and the remaining water. 2. Then add other tank mix partners or foliar feed additives and the remaining water. Add the required amount of ORTHENE 97 insecticide and mix thoroughly. Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying . The active ingredient in Orthene Turf, Tree & Ornamental WSP is acephate, a water-soluble insecticide readily absorbed by plant roots and foliage to give systemic control of feeding insects. Add the required amount of ORTHENE 97 insecticide and mix thoroughly. . MIXING INSTRUCTIONS . Acephate 97UP Systemic Insecticide - Orthene This orthene insecticide works on turf, ornamental and tree insect pests. MIXING INSTRUCTIONS . NZ85-16 Follow provincial instructions for any required additional cleaning of the container prior to its disposal. 12643-20150710a.OTTO 97 Spray - Specimen Page 4 of 16 . Do not mix it with fertilizers. 2. Use Orthene®PCO Pellets for residual pest control in the areas listed by application as a 0.75% or 1.0% spray. . FOR COCKROACHES, ANTS, CRICKETS AND FIREBRATS: Apply the product . Open 1 packet of Orthene PCO Pellets and pour in the spray tank, then shake to thoroughly mix. Then add other tank mix partners or foliar feed additives and the remaining water. Stop the takeover by killing the queen and destroying the mound with Ortho Orthene Fire Ant Killer. * (*not in MA, NY and RI) MIXING INSTRUCTIONS Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. If no such in-structions for washables, use detergent and hot water. Follow directions on both labels. Then add other tank mix partners or foliar feed additives and the remaining . Answer: You will to use 0.2 ounces of Orthene 97 Spray Insecticide in one gallon of water. Mixing instructions: Half fill the spray tank with water and add the required amount of ORTHENE 75 SP to the water whilst agitating. Acephate 97 UP is a low odor formulation and controls over 125 listed pests on the product label. MIXING Add the required amount of Orthene Xtra Insecticide to the full volume of water in the spray or mixing tank with a pesticide like Malathion, Orthene or Safer Soap (used per label instructions) to physically remove the mealybugs. Acephate 97 UP, as a water soluble, systemic . Malathion is highly toxic to bees and other beneficial insects, some fish . For insecticide resistance management, Orthene Xtra is a Group 1B insecticide. Yes No 25 of 53 people found this answer helpful. Total Release Insecticides The unique ULV pesticide application system efficiently delivers billions of micron-sized particles of active ingredient per unit in a matter of minutes. MIXING INSTRUCTIONS Thoroughly clean all sprayer components prior to mixing. A Asked by Jim from Fl 06/23/2019 Q How soon can I water orchids after spraying with Orthene 97 Spray Insecticide? Helpful HintsTable 2 provides a quick reference for various pesticides, while Tables 3, 4, and 5 provide the complete range of values. Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. If ORTHENE LIQUIDS are spilled, spread a heavy clay absorbent over spill. Spray Volume Fungicides and . Follow provincial instructions for any required additional cleaning of the container Mixing instructions: Half fill the spray tank with water and add the required amount of ORTHENE 75 SP to the water whilst agitating. The city is targeting fire ants because a 1997 survey revealed fire ants are the primary reason residents use pesticides, and diazinon is the primary pesticide used 1 of Ortho Fire Ant Killer Broadcast Granules, 6 Month Protection, Treats up to 5,000 sq. Orthene. Maintain (Quart) Makes 10 gallons diluted spray. 1. Triple or pressure rinse the empty container. Answer last updated on: 08/20/2017. May be applied with an ORTHO Hose-End Sprayer, or tank-type sprayer. Users should: • Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. ORTHENE 75SP is compatible with MANCOZEB 800 WP (Reg nr. ORTHENE 75SP is compatible with MANCOZEB 800WP but should be tested on a small scale when mixed with other pesticides to ensure that it is safe to the crop. Add the required amount of ORTHENE 97 insecticide and mix thoroughly. of mix to each mound by sprinkling the mound until it is wet and treat a 4 ft. diameter circle around the mound. INSTRUCTIONS - Apply when pest activity first observed and repeat at 14 to 21 day intervals or as necessary. It begins killing in 60 minutes, so you can get your yard back fast. :L7352) but should be tested on a small scale when mixed with other pesticides to ensure that it is safe to the crop. Ortho Fire Ant Killer Broadcast Granules target and kill fly-in queens to prevent new mounds from forming for 6 months of outdoor fire ant protection. Add the required amount of Orthene Turf, Tree & Ornamental 97 Spray insecticide and mix thoroughly. This is close, and in most cases, close enough. toxic pesticides. Activity on porous surfaces may be limited. MIXING INSTRUCTIONS . The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Orthene Xtra or other . 2 Values are calculated based on a 20 gpa spray mix rate. mixing tank and allow draining for at least 30 seconds after the flow has slowed down to a drip. Arrange the plants in the growing area so that they have adequate space for air circulation and ease of spraying, and be sure to cover all plant surfaces, such as those between and on the undersides of leaves, to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment. ORTHENE 75 S Soluble Powder is an insecticide for control of pests on se-/3 to/ // / / // / / // / / . No. Orthene PCO Pellets can be used for residual control of targeted pests by applying diluted solutions containing 0.75% or 1.0% of active ingredient. Ron :L7352) but should be tested on a small scale when mixed with other pesticides to ensure that it is safe to the crop. Mixing instructions: • Half fill the spray tank with water and add the required amount of ORTHENE 75SP to the water whilst agitating. . Insecticide. For acreage, take the total square footage and divide by 43,560. Ortho® Orthene® Systemic Insect Control may be mixed with the .following fungicides' (at the label rates for both products): RbsePride® Funginex® Rose & Shrub Disease Control or Ortho® Multi-Purpose Fungicide Daconil 2787® Plant Disease Control. Triple or pressure rinse the empty container. of water. Turn the dial . ORTHENE® 90S [Master Label] ® 90 S [Insecticide in a Sub-Label 2 - Orthene® 90 S [Insecticide for Hopper Box and Ant Treatment Uses] Sub-Label 1 - Orthene® 90 S [Insecticid in a Water-Soluble Packet] Active Ingredient By Weight *Acephate 90.0% Inert Ingredients .10.0% Total 100.0% *O,S-Dimethyl acetylphosphoramidothioate KEEP OUT OF REACH . Add the required amount of ORTHENE TURF, TREE & ORNAMENTAL 97 SPRAYinsecticide and mix thoroughly. The powerful concentrated formula stops and helps prevent a variety of diseases that infect vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants. Step 1: Determine how much Orthene 97 Soluble Insecticide you need by calculating the square footage or acreage of the area being treated. Zerotol Zerotol cleans and helps with fungus (similar to Physan 20) use 1 TBS per gallon. Orthene 97 Soluble Insecticide Page 3 GENERAL INFORMATION MIXING INSTRUCTIONS Thoroughly clean all sprayer components prior to mixing. Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. Follow provincial instructions for any required additional cleaning of the container disposable containers. 2. Each number corresponds to how much product will be added to 1 gallon of water. Mixing Instructions for Fire Ant Mounds On Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, Bahiaarass St. Auaustinearass and Bare Ground Sorinklina Can: 2 Tbs {1 fl oz\ oer aallon of water for each mound. Make sure this fits by entering your model number. of Orthene PCO Pellets in 9 gals. . Add the rinsings to the spray mixture in the tank. The Tame/Orthene dry pesticide application system provides enhanced plant safety, even on open blooms. Step 3: After the pellets have completely dissolved and are mixed with the water, begin spraying areas where insects will travel. Acephate, the active ingredient, gives ORTHENE 97 its powerful one-two punch of contact and systemic activity. Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. 3 Values are calculated based on the 100 gal spray mix rate. ORTHENE® 97 insecticide's active ingredient, acephate, is readily absorbed by plant roots and foliage to give both contact activity and systemic control of feeding insects in high-value vegetable crops as well as soybean, cotton and tobacco. After using, wash hands thoroughly before eating or drinking Allow liquid to dry completely before allowing children or pets into treated areas For hard-to-kill insects, consult directions for specific instructions on repeat spraying every seven to 10 days Protect Plants from Insect Damage with Orthene 97 Insecticide Spray Then add other tank mix partners or foliar feed additives and the remaining water. Click to see full answer. But when we ran through our criteria and did the math on Ortho Orthene Fire Ant Killer 1, this contact killing powder came out on top. Browse our wide selection of . Wash the outside of gloves before removing. Then add other tank mix partners or foliar feed additives and the remaining . With its dual mode of action, contact and systemic activity, ORTHENE 97 insecticide is the proven choice for key insect control in dozens of high-value vegetable crops as well as soybeans, cotton and tobacco. (16,084) $18.99. Add approximately ½ of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. (Pint) . Then add other tank mix partners or foliar feed additives and the remaining water. Chewing and/or sucking insects are killed on contact when . Ortho 16 oz. Pellets mix easily with water and can be used as a crack and crevice spray or for perimeter and spot treatments. • Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. In 2001, after conducting a major review, the US government banned use of these in residences except for acephate. Although, in most applications, the above combination of Orthene and Tekko Pro will do the job, you can follow up with a good gel bait. Use 0.75% active ingredient content for light infestations and 1.0% for heavy infestations. Please refer to the product label for specific appliacation instructions. Orthene 97 Spray Insecticide is used for insect pests on trees, ornamentals and turf. Do not apply more than four times per season. One of the most popular is the Advion Cockroach Gel Baits. Apply 1 gal. In my experience, it's best to knock down the roach population first with the Orthene pellets and Tekko Pro IGR, Then add other tank mix partners or foliar feed additives and the remaining . Jordan, acephate (Orthene) is one of the old standard "kills everything" pesticides in the organophosphate class along with Diazinon, Malathion, and several others. packet (1.4 oz.) - http://www.epestsupply.com/images/Pro. For perimeter treatments, spray a band of soil 6 to 10 ft. adjacent to the structure and up 2 to 3 ft. on the foundation. Add the required amount of ORTHENE 97 insec- ticide and mix thoroughly. Shake well before using. Tomato (Powdery mildew control): Mix 1 fl oz of Spectracide Immunox Multi-Purpose Fungicide Spray Concentrate for Gardens with 1 gal of water and uniformly apply to all parts of the plant to point of runoff. Add the rinsingto the contents of the spray tank before destroying the container in the prescribed manner. Does orthene kill bees? tank mix with this product or prior to application of this product, cultural practices . Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. Add the rinsings to the spray mixture in the tank. One bottle can treat up to 162 mounds. BEFORE using Orthene Xtra Insecticide. when mixing or applying this product. Answer: The application rate for Orthene 97 Spray Insecticide will vary depending on what you are treating for and where you are treating. ORTHO® ORTHENE® Systemic Insect Control, EPA Reg. This product may be applied up to and including the day of harvest. Add the required amount of ORTHENE TURF, TREE & ORNAMENTAL 97 SPRAY insecticide and mix thoroughly. Spray thoroughly to cover upper and lower leaf surfaces including new growth. The spray helps control or prevent leaf spots, rust, blights, fruit rot, mildew, scabs and mold. Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. Here is a link to the label directions. MIXING INSTRUCTIONS Thoroughly clean all sprayer components prior to mixing. ft., Kills Mounds in 15 Minutes, 11.5 lb. Repeat treatment as needed except where indicated otherwise. At first glance the product seemed spendy, but a little goes a long way: You . Ortho Termite & Destructive Bug Killer keeps termites away up to 5 years in areas treated, protecting the home foundation, wood piles, and outdoor lumber. Dithiane or Protect DP Then add other tank mix partners or foliar feed additives and the . DISPOSAL 1. For best results, apply Orthene PCO Pellets in the early morning or late afternoon when ants are most active. Use 2 Tbs (1 floz) per gal of water. Thoroughly clean all sprayer components prior to mixing. Concentrate Garden Disease Control is a liquid spray that works on contact. Topic: Avid Mixing Instructions (Read 53569 times) Darkhorse. 1. Its powerful active ingredient, Acephate, works in two ways. MIXING INSTRUCTIONS Thoroughly clean all sprayer components prior to mixing. ORTHENE 75SP is compatible with MANCOZEB 800WP but should be tested on a small scale when mixed with other pesticides to ensure that it is safe to the crop. Maintain Thoroughly clean all sprayer components prior to mixing. Orthene controls a wide range of insects, especially aphids on certain ornamental flowers, roses, shrubs and trees. Since it is difficult to say exactly how much that is, I recommend using about 1 Tablespoon per gallon of water. The instructions in the label specify an amount of Orthene 97 per acre of land. Get your Tekko Pro IGR here. It is also highly effective on ants, imported fire ants, crickets, cockroaches, earwigs, firebrats, pantry pest, wasp and sowbugs. Set the Dial. 239-2461 Makes 21 gallons diluted spray. Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. First, Orthene 97 Spray kills insects on contact, then it penetrates plant tissue for local systemic control. Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of . Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. Orthene Orthene is both a systemic and a topical insecticide. This powerful, easy-to-apply solution destroys the mound and kills the queen to keep the colony from repopulating. Thoroughly clean all sprayer components prior to mixing. Add the required amount of ORTHENE 97 insecticide and mix thoroughly. Directions for Orthene PCO Pellets Use. Ortho Orthene Fire Ant Killer1 kills the queen and destroys the mound, treats up to 162 mounds and requires no watering-in to be effective. Was this answer helpful to you? To apply with the ORTHO DIAL 'n SPRAY® Hose-End Sprayer, pour undiluted product into sprayer jar. . Add the required amount of ORTHENE 97 insecticide and mix thoroughly. Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. MIXING INSTRUCTIONS . MIXING INSTRUCTIONS Thoroughly clean all sprayer components prior to 'mixing. Article Blog Article Index. Use the 0.75% rate for control of light infestations on non-porous surfaces and the 1.0% spray to reduce heavy infestations. What is the mixing ratio of Orthene 97 Spray Insecticide to be used on orchids and roses? Thoroughly clean all sprayer components prior to mixing. It is a topical solution, not systemic, and only for surfaces. A You want to use .2 fluid ounces of Orthen 75 into one gallon of water. 2. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Orthene Xtra and other Group 1B insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. Mixing Instructions: Thoroughly clean all sprayer components prior to mixing. Orchids of the World Web site. A systemic, useful for get ting rid of thrips and aphids, without damage to the blooms; use a mask and protection when handling. Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. Add the required amount of ORTHENE 97 insecticide and mix thoroughly. Then add other tank mix partners or foliar feed additives and the remaining water. Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. With all the factors that can contribute to the overall value of a fire ant killer, choosing just one winner for this title was tough. Mixing instructions: • Half fill the spray tank with water and add the required amount of ORTHENE 75SP to the water whilst agitating. Shovel material into disposable container. ORTHENE: Insecticide Orchid Doctor by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler) Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988 Posted by Sys Admin over 5 years ago. Thoroughly clean all sprayer components prior to mixing. Numbers have been rounded for ease of practical application. Add the required amount of ORTHENE Turf, Tree and Ornamental 97 Spray insecticide and mix thoroughly. Do not make more than two consecutive applications No worries about rain or irrigation because plants will absorb this product within 24 hours. Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agita- tion.